Dach Lama Gak Posting.Kira-kira Mau Posting apa Yach???.Setelah googling Berjam-jam akhrinya Nemu Juga Buat Post Di Blog TiSoGa.Game Yang Saya Temukan Adalah  Counter Strike CSO-NST Chromosome Refresh Edition 2011 Game yang BerGenre FPS Ini Sama Dengan Counter Strike Extreme.Pasti Penasaran Kan Seperti Apa Game Nya
Langusung Ajach Screen Shotnya

System Requirement Sama Dengan CSX Bila Belum Tau Liat ajah Di Bawah
  • Operating System:Windows Xp/7
  • Processesor: P4 2,4 Ghz or Better
  • Ram 1 GB
  • Hardrive: 2 GB
  • Graphic Card: GForceFX Series Or better
  • Fix the error model, add muzzeflash for the gun.
  • Wpn chromosome system with standard parameters compared with CSO and other information about buy guns in the main menu.
  • CSO system maps and complete the fix.
  • Lighting and effects in the game better.
  • Interface Menu Character and Weapon Menu redesigned for the lovely and appropriate. The CSO figures have the background information.
  • Increase the number used in the U.S. Weapon wpn.
  • Mark and Sound System Kill Kill the CSO. Kill remove Mark of CF.
  • English interface.
  • Delete unnecessary files.
  • Updates regime Alien Mod - Zombie Scenario.
Sebelum Bermain Baca Dulu Ini
  • the best game show in Video mode 1024x768 - D3D and OpenGL.
  • Menu Shop (choose guns) can only be used in Normal mode, the remaining modes disabled going to reduce game lag condition.
  • To select the game mode you should use the Launcher. 
Update 30 Juni 2011:
Patch Untuk Memperbaiki Beberapa Bug Dan Senjata Baru "link Download Di bawah"

Link Download
Link 1: Full Setup (*.exe) - File size: 381MB
Part 1   |   Part 2   |   Part 3   |   Part 4
FFSJ (Di Gunakan Untuk Menggabungkan File)FFSJ
Patch 1.001
- System Requirement Di Atas Adalah Recomender System Requirement Jadi Bila System Requirement Anda Tidak Mencapai Yang Di atas Tetap Akan Bisa Memainkan Game Ini.saran Bot Nya Sedikit Saja 4-8 Untuk komputer P3
- Bila Tidak Bisa Membeli Senjata Ikuti Langkah Berikut buka folder cstrike\addons\amxmodmx\configs\ trus bka "nst_mywpn" ganti "enable 1" to "enable 0" Thanks To TiSoGA

2. ~[S.T.A.R.S]~
4. ™e.C.L.I.P.S.e™
5. F a b u L o u S™
6. [No-Mercy]
8. -JinX*|Pro-
9. ..=aFteRLife=..
10. ~*DragoNomiCon*~
2. TycoonHON9
3. lFXlDemoN_BoSS
4. Fantastic186
5. Community19CWL
6. aL_OsCarPRIME
7. ERFOLG_Alice
8. LandlordHON9
9. PFsMaster_uNo
10. RHDILObatozai



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